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Thursday 24 December 2015

Reasons condom does not prevent HIV.

I know this topic will shock many people who believe in the propaganda that the use of condom is a formidable prevention against HIV but unfortunately,using a condom does not prevent you from contracting HIV but only reduces the chance of contracting it.

Now read this and i doubt if you will ever read this anywhere else because the condom industry is a huge one and facts like this may not be widely disseminated but here i give it to you to ponder over.

-Human immunodeficient Virus(HIV) is very virulent and can pass through through unnoticeable and painless skin abrasion on the penile shaft as well as the vaginal region.

-The viral load is present in cervico-vaginal fluid and of-course in the blood.

-We will agree that in most cases if not all,the condom no matter how carefully worn still exposes some part of the penile shaft and this is where the problem lies because in most cases,the vaginal secretions come in contact with this exposed region of the shaft.

-This means an automatic entry of the virus from the vaginal fluid into the man especially when there are some abrasions on the penile skin which of-course is so delicate and easily bruised.

-If the man also has the virus and he happens to have any form of abrasion on the penile shaft then the woman can easily contract the virus once the Unclad part of his shaft touches the walls of the vaginal.

This is just a simple illustration to show that condoms are no guarantee prevention against HIV.

Staying faithful to one sexual partner who is HIV negative and will not be silly enough to indulge in careless sexual act with an infected individual remains the best way to prevent HIV.

The bottom line is that no one is really safe and we all stand the risk of contracting it as the Virus has a transient period between when it is contracted and when it can be detected in the blood so you may meet someone who is tested negative today and later may test positive.

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