This is where u get the "news+informations + jokes" that are set for a price somewhere else. If u believe in free awareness, THIS IS YOUR HOOD!!!

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Photos: Danish woman rescues little boy who was accused of withcraft and left to die in Uyo

On Sunday, a Danish woman, Anja Ringgren Loven, a Philanthropist an founder of African Children's Aid Education and Development Foundation ( ACAEDF) who lives with her partner and son in Uyo rescued a little boy who had been abandoned by his family because they claimed he was a 'witch'. She took him into her care, fed him, gave him clothes and he is currently receiving some medical attention. This was what she shared on her Facebook page.

Today she gave an update on the boy whom she named Hope. 
We should be proud to be Danes. We are a loving people and we're taking good care of each other. We are always together when there is need our help. When natural disasters hit, famine ravaging and civil wars devastate affects us deeply. We Danes are among the world's most generous. We are the best to donate money to charity, help others and do volunteer work. More than every other of us Danes gives money to charity and help people we don't know. And we must be proud!
Right now we danes hung out in the foreign media. Incorrect or not, media account certainly not the true picture of US DANES. For when it comes to love there are no countries can match us! So let us give the media something new to write about. Something to really show them who we danes are!
Just 2 DAYS HAVE DINNØDHJÆLP RECEIVED 1 million dollars to help little hope!!! Let me repeat that: 1 million Danish kroner is donated to dinnødhjælp in just 2 DAYS!!!
My feelings are sitting without his clothes! I'm so overwhelmed! I'm so grateful and touched by all the love, care and huge support there just pouring here to Nigeria all the way from Denmark! I want as long as I live thank you all every day! I forget simply never! With all the money we can besides giving hope the very best treatment now also build a doctor clinic on the new land and save many more children out of torture! It's just so great! The building must be called hope clinic - donated city Denmark!! They say thanks is just a poor words, but for me means thank you life! And to those who says otherwise, then we can today together prove to the whole world that charity indeed still exists in Denmark! heart emoticon
Hope's condition is stable now. He's taking food for himself, and he responds to the medicine he gets. Today he has had powers to sit up and smiling at us. He's a strong little boy. To see him sit and play with my own son is without doubt the greatest experience of my life! I just don't know how to describe it in words. This is what makes life so beautiful and valuable and therefore I will let the pictures speak for themselves:
Today we "groundbreaking" ceremony at the construction site. Ground breaking ceremony where we are so lucky to the Danish Ambassador here in Nigeria participates as a guest of honour and the keynote speaker. I can't believe our ambassador and his sweet wife comes entirely from the capital Abuja to our little village where dinnødhjælp builds a new orphanage and participating in our ceremony. It's so big and I am very pleased to see the ambassador again. Today during the ceremony I will think of our architect Martin from engineers without borders and his working group as in more than half a year now worked every day for putting together and draw dinnødhjælps orphanage in cooperation with our Nigerian engineers. I very much look forward to show you all the outcome when the construction is finished. About 1 years running little hope around on dinnødhjælps new orphanage and play with all the other children.
Where there is love, there is life
Anja with her son,  David Jnr

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